Satil admitted that the restarts were part of an anti-tamper code for third-party software using GShade's installer. NotNite confronted Satil about the forced restarts on the r/FFXIV Discord.If you are updating from 1.2.0, you can check a guide on how to properly transition from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 on 'The GShade Incident' replies, above this post. Quick hotfix: the GShade compatibility patch was updated to address the duplicated shader effects and smartDeNoise bugs. Ff14 gshade A lot of GShade filter presets out there are not designed for gameplay, they're designed to be used for fancy looking screenshots if you're using a preset for gameplay that tanks your fps by more than 10 then I think it's a bit of a gigantic red flag that you're using GShade wrong and perhaps not understanding what the filters you've enabled.